Concrete is a bright building block that is vibrant like wool, but not flammable, unlike wool. Concrete is an awesome block to make creative builds with! But, how do you make it? To make concrete, you have to craft concrete powder, first!

Materials Needed
- 4 sand blocks.
- 4 gravel blocks.
- 1 dye of your choosing.
Concrete Powder Crafting Recipe

Turning Concrete Powder into Concrete
Concrete powder needs to come in contact with a body of water. The water cannot be from rain, cauldrons, or water bottles.

Once you place the concrete powder in water, it will instantly turn to concrete! This will make the block look much less grainy and have a brighter color.
Concrete Powder Physics
Concrete powder behaves like sand and gravel, when you place it on a surface that does not have a block underneath it, the concrete powder will fall. Be careful when building with concrete powder!
Regular concrete is harder, so it will stay put!